In this CPD training for yoga teachers, you will explore traditional perspectives and somatic inquiry to refresh your approaches to āsana and alignment. You will examine the context and application of teaching philosophy in a way that feels authentic and find new ways to use language to promote self-agency and student-led learning. This is a training for those who want to upgrade their teaching and practice, and facilitate learning and move away from instruction-based teaching.

Beyond alignment is an immersion into the fundamentals of āsana where you learn how to apply alignment principles rather than rules. You will revisit and refine key principles of teaching through new and research-informed approaches to anatomy and methodology. 

You will learn to:

  • Create a group container for individual student experience

  • Incorporate new pose variations

  • Expand your ‘prop toolbox’ and learn how to use props in innovative ways 

  • Become proficient at using language beyond instruction and promote equity

  • Offer inquiry-based instruction

  • Become adept at weaving philosophical themes into classes and teach beyond poses

  • Develop an understanding of the anchors of alignment and how can they inform teaching

  • Develop an understanding of hypermobility beyond “double joints” to empower your students


SPACE Brighton


Saturday 24th February 1.30-7pm
